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San Fran based psychedelic quartet, Blisses B recently released their third full length album “Sea Level Astronomy”. They completed the album with support from their loyal fan base through a Kickstarter Campaign. Sea Level Astronomy is the album to listen to on a rainy day like this and make you day much brighter. We spoke with Noah about the new album below.


1) So your sound is very awesome and eclectic. What are some of your musical influences?

 I can’t speak for the other three guys in Blisses B, but I will say that my parents played a heavy dose of Jazz and 60’s Folk in my youth.  That definitely seeped in along with my older brothers music.  Some key names for me: Phil Lynott, Jimmie Spheeris, Neil Young, Stevie Wonder, David Byrne.

 2) Your album “Sea Level Astronomy” starts off great and ends well, with the very catchy ‘Montevideo’ and ‘Epoch’, do you all collaborate in the process of songwriting?

 I bring the foundation for the song (verse, chorus, bridge) to the guys and I let them add their own brush strokes.  Ben, Evan and James are all dynamic musicians who have a knack for finding their own special way of making our songs complete.  So it really is a group effort.

 3) How did you decide on the album title? Did you have a central idea or theme that you wanted to work around for the songs?

 I read a small blurb about some astronomers making a key find in the universe with what is perceived as modest means for the telescope they used, and they were at Sea Level viewing it all. Now, this led me to the theme of what is ones perspective, from a certain vantage point  ie. whereas one could be limited by physical location/mindset but pull off large feats given that locale.  Now, it’s not always a setback and the idea that you could find a Jupiter sized planet from a Seal Level observatory really got my mind racing on this subject.

 4) So you guys are originally from San Fran, how is the music scene? Any bars or venues you guys recommend? (If any of us ever want to visit).

 It is a vibrant, and very talented scene here in the greater Bay Area.  The incredible topography and culture here finds its way into the music makers, in a very profound way.  As for venues, Bottom Of The Hill has been really good to us over the years, the Great American Music Hall and Fillmore are a must too.

5) What’s one song that you guys love performing live together?

 Oh my, we have a raucous live show and we love it that way.  I think from the new record “Montevideo” as everybody came up with unique parts, especially James’ bass line in the chorus.  From our 2010 effort Thirty Days, Sixty Years…we push hard on “Yesteryear.”

 6) Since we all love whiskey at Pancakes & Whiskey, what’s your favorite whiskey drink?

Wow, this is tough as we all love the bourbon and whiskey.  I would have to say an Old Fashioned, mostly because my Grandparents had an Old Fashioned travel case that they brought with them everywhere…plus they are a tasty libation.

Article by: Karen Silva

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