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Blue and Gold have made a strong and organically sounding rock album. It’s actually the first full length album from the New York rock band, forming roughly under two years ago. One thing I’ve always love about this band whether it’s hearing them live or their recorded stuff, is their simplicity. In My Head features the same formula, characteristics like that of older rock albums with strong basic tracks and only a few electrifying solos for overdubs.

This album is full of melodies over really catchy guitar riffs that rattle around in your head hours after you’ve stopped listening, and it still works really well on this album. Bring a ‘guitar band’, Chloe and Alex’s songwriting style let’s G.G.’s thunderous drumming set her apart as timekeeper of the deep. Derek’s bass throughout the album is the same way with their song styles, allowing him to play note-on-note with the guitars, or set off on his own path. When it comes to the guitars through, the left and right panning of Chloe and Alex really help when it comes to appreciating the tonal chemistry of the two.

Some of the album’s shining moment are on “Bowery Ball and Chain,” showcasing singer/guitarist Chloe Raynes’ ability to drive a song powerfully on her own. In contrast, Alex has his own shining moment, on the heavier “Soho.” There’s also a really strong theme to “Tommy Gun,” with Chloe and Alex almost answering each others last lyrical statement, giving an illusion of that little devil on one shoulder and the Prussian milk maid on the other, giving you two different thought processes on who you should be listening to.


Whiskey Rating: 4 out of 5 Shots

Article by: Tommy Shackleford


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