The show was a few weeks delayed, there were visa issues and Sticky Fingers was initially unable to leave Australia, but that only seemed to increase the build-up for this band. You could sense the anticipation – Baby’s Alright, and Brooklyn hosted fittingly.

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers


I’ll forget about labeling a genre; it’s really difficult and not very necessary. Their style comes off with a real throwback to 70’s bands; except they do it with such cutting edge it feels like they’re on the cusp of what contemporary music is. There isn’t an ounce of apathy in the five-piece line-up, and they don’t rest for a second (excluding the drinking of beer), you can sense that they just play what they want to hear – as they mix and blend from what the music they feel strongest about, and turn it in to something completely their own.

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers


Dylan Frost provides the lead vocals as he marauders about, creeping up and launching at the microphone. Yet, behind all the bravado there lie songs of real vulnerability, which catch you by surprise – simple stories expressing living in a special neighborhood Australia Street or the excellent These Girls with meditative thoughts on a particular relationship.

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers


As a complete package, the show was still rough around the edges, but that’s not too important; what matters is how hard it is to find another band coming through with such verve and natural ability for bucking the trend.


Article: Jacques Lang


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