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Opening with the strum of a folksy acoustic guitar, accompanied by wonderfully rich vocals, in a peaceful melodic soundscape, you’re sure to be drawn into Brooklyn-based Del Water Gap’s “Lamplight” right away.  Lead vocalist, S. Holden Jaffe’s voice takes on an intriguingly smooth tone, as he croons away upon the addition of the drums and bass. The song is pure and earthy the whole way through, as the chorus booms with power and lyrical imagery. Jaffe sings, “and as your tiny body slept that night I had my lamplight burning strong,” which is a line and melody that will stick in your head for hours. I absolutely love the perfectly intermittent guitar solos during the second verse, adding a wonderful extra layer to the song as well as a great combined texture of sounds. Add on the surprise of a horn solo, and this song leaves you feeling warm inside and out, as the weather continues to get colder.


Don’t Miss Del Water Gap’s gig at Mercury Lounge on 12-16, get your tickets here.

Del Water Gap

Del Water Gap



Article: Alex Feigin


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