Mustardmind, a NYC band recently formed in February 2015, released their new double single this month and are already gaining traction with their contribution to the alternative music scene.  The band’s self-proclaimed “pre post-rock” sound is specifically crafted to create an atmosphere that hangs in the air enveloping and enhancing the melody.  Complex arrangements combine with a stripped down vocal line making for an interesting presentation of what four young bucks in Bushwick can do with instruments and a sound board.

Lead vocalist, Bobby Lewis, says that their music is derived from influences ranging from Radiohead to Ben Folds but for those of us early grunge fans one might hear a spark of Dinosaur Jr. in the first of their singles, “The Amulet.”  Tempo upswings along with multi-layered guitar sounds help to build the momentum of the song which would play well in any music hall this city has to offer.  While the song asks if there is a “pattern, or some sort of code” in its opening lines, the listener will experience anything but status quo as this band does not paint by numbers.

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The band switches gears with their second single, “The Clause,” which is rife with electro-synth elements.  Ethereal noise with a drumming heartbeat underneath will appeal to the shoe-gaze set as well as the indie rock fans as the song never fully devolves into an over-mechanized jam session that could potentially lose its audience.  It holds a strong medium tempo and has consistent growth without leaving one feeling like they’ve slipped into a heady dream world courtesy of Alice in Wonderland’s Hookah-Smoking Caterpillar.  The music stays grounded and still has enough wiggle room to build a pleasing sensation within the listener’s tympanic membrane.

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While Mustardmind is not revolutionary with their sound, they should not be dismissed as another indie-rock band sprouting forth from the alternative NYC music scene.  These two singles are clear evidence that this group understands the complexities of music, harmony and sound production; three key elements that are essential to the longevity of a successful band.

Follow Mustardmind on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram


Article: Hannah Soule


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