Last week, SpringHill Suites kicked off the season with “A Night of Little Extras,” celebrating their newest campaign (Expect the Unexpected). The hotel’s collaboration with band Misterwives is no brainer, according to Loren Nalewanski, Vice President of Global Brand Management. “Misterwives speaks to our brand’s voice, a modern urban vibe.” He’s not wrong; the band’s buzzy, feel good single “Our Own House,” pairs quite nicely with the company’s mission. SpringHill Suites aims to give their customers all the little extras while away from home: Unexpected flourishes in the rooms. Amenities held to the highest standards. Thoughtful details, designed to expose clients to new and local upscale products. “Our guests look forward to life on the road,” Nalewanski says. “They want to experience the city, take in the activities.” Stoking the excitement of exploring a new location, while providing tranquil comforts is certainly an ambitious challenge. If “A Night of Little Extras” is any indication however, travelers are in for a treat at SpringHill Suites.
It is clear a lot of consideration went into making this event shine. The signature drink featuring edible pansies, the unfussy, delicious hors d’oeuvres, the cultivated ambiance, all highlighted that all too rare, perfectly summery, NY evening. When MisterWives took to the stage for their set, they were greeted by a satiated crowd filled with family and friends, both new and old.





The group kicked things off with the frenetic, “Best I Can Do.” Frontwoman Mandy Lee’s husky voice lent itself to the intimate surroundings, transforming the outdoor space into an impromptu campfire of sorts. Toned down versions of “No Need For Dreaming,” “Reflections,” and “Not Your Way” were accompanied by finger snaps, hand claps, and sing-alongs. Next was “Queens,” an impassioned anthem about the best borough (yeah, I said it), followed by “Drummer Boy” a new, syrupy sweet tune dedicated to band member Etienne Bowler. After a mini jam session complete with horn solos, the group wrapped up with the aforementioned “Our Own House.” Lee thanked the audience for their support before heading into the crowd to dance and sing.






If SpringHill Suites’ intent was to make everyone feel catered to and welcomed, I’d call the evening a success. My favorite part would have to be the gift bag, handed to me with a warm smile. That thing was tops! It is indeed the little extras that make the biggest impact.






Article: Stephanie Moise
Photos: Gina Garcia