It’s Friday morning on the Bonnaroo farm with all the senses working. The heat while rising, hasn’t affected the body or mind…yet. There’s a certain flow that one must follow without a proper shower and flushing toilets – “showers” were simply using baby wipes to clean up, while going to the bathroom as a normal attendee can be a bit of a messy task, it was eased by using the private and cleaner porta-potties in the media area. Once getting cleaned up and editing the previous night’s sets, the goal was to shoot as much music as possible in the nearly triple digit heat.

Fashion at roo
First up was St. Lucia at the “which stage” and they certainly didn’t disappoint with a danceable set of bouncy tunes. Lead singer, Jean-Philip Grobler, was a load of energy who covered every inch of the stage to the delight of their many fans.

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia
Meandering my way over to That Tent, I caught the most energetic gig of the weekend in Fidlar. Their rocking set was highlighted by their many fans losing their shit for the whole show, keeping the bouncers super busy.










Fans for Fidlar
One of our favorite acts here at P&W is Lucius, and was next at the other tent. Their harmonies as always, were on point, the new outfits dazzled, and in a few minutes time, we were lost in their supremely satisfying sounds.







fun in the sun
While not a fan of her personally, Halsey would prove over the next hour why she is so popular with the younger crowd. She is a snake-charmer of sorts, using her body to seduce the listeners in front of her. While slightly sexual in nature, her sound is one that get’s the kids raging and seemingly empowered despite the bubble-gum nature of the tunes.








While I didn’t officially cover LCD Soundsystem, it was important to me to check their set and see what the fuss is all about. I really get it now, they’re incredible, lively and provide the perfect soundtrack to dance to.



Art booths
Ending Friday was the late night set from Purity Ring and their dramatic stage setup. It was really the perfect way to end the day with their ethereal sound, dramatic lighting and the capacity to make you go, “wow, they’re friggin incredible.” Lead singer, Megan James, was a sight to behold as she wandered and sang through the hanging lights while her bandmate Corin Roddick would create the lush tones that brought us to another place, one that seemed full of space and time. The dancing that ensued was marvelous to watch, as fans really found their groove during the early morning hours.

Purity Ring

Purity Ring

Purity Ring

Purity Ring

Purity Ring

Purity Ring

Purity Ring
Article: Shayne Hanley