From the moment you press play there is no possible way not to fall in love with Whiskey Bitches, their logo modeled after the Jack Daniel’s label gives you the sense that these girls kick major ass. They sound exactly how whiskey tastes, smooth and rough around the edges. After listening to their “Never Enough” EP, I couldn’t help but hear a bit of Brody Dalle’s (The Distillers) in Madge’s raspy voice which I find myself somewhat jealous, I caught up with lead singer and bassist, Madge and Kate.

First off, amazing name! How did you decide on the sick name?

Kate: We were basically sending each other frantic messages on what we should decide on the best name and ended up with an awesome name.

So P & W is super excited to premiere your new video for “Disaster” how did the idea for the video concept come about?

Madge: We wanted to make the video interesting and fun to watch. We hope it’s something can people enjoy to see and hear.

What are your music influences?

Kate & Madge: Definitely punk rock such as The Ramones especially when we play harder moments in our songs, we also have have some ska sounds… we have a mixture in our songs within the tempo and the flow in each song which makes it interesting. We were also influenced by Queens of the Stone Age, which I definitely agreed where their song, “Machine Gun Moment,” reminds me of QOTSA’s “Misfit Love.”

What’s the songwriting process like? Is it a one woman deal or collaborate?

Kate: It’s all Madge.

Madge: *modestly chuckles* It is but we’re trying to make it a more collaborate process but usually it’s a moment of inspiration

Favorite venue to play? I mean every venue is different along with the right crowd and the right drinks…it’d be really hard to choose.

Madge: That is really tough but we’ve had amazing shows at Arlene’s Grocery and we LOVE Hanks Saloon, and Muchmore’s.

Last but not least, favorite whiskey drink?

Jack on the rocks…at this point I had the biggest smile. Then we began agreeing that cute bartenders are our best/worst addiction.

You definitely have to check these guys out. I can surely say I’ve become a huge fan and will have to catch them live!

Article by: Karen Silva

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