The term “power pop” gets thrown around a lot today, but few bands define the term like Brooklyn based Nude Beach.

Playing to a fairly packed Bowery Ballroom, the quartet lit into an inspired 40 minute set that barely let up. Lead guitarist and singer Chuck Betz was on point all night, playing a double necked guitar, slide guitar, taking Neil Young inspired solos which were punctuated with rock star quality jumps in the air. Drummer Ryan Naideau played both tribally and with an aggressive punch almost the entire night, with maybe one song that slowed it down.

Nude Beach played a raucous mix of 80s and 90s inspired pop punk that took an aggression from The Clash and a jangly-ness from bands like The Replacements and Green Day. Betz sounded and looked a little bit like Paul Westerberg in his heyday and the spirit was in the same vein of “pop rock with a snarl.” It never got too aggressive and had sing-along tunes throughout.

The song that I recognized was their next to last song of their set, the excellent “Walkin Down the Street” which has an infective beat and hook. “Baby! Baby! / You got what I need.” It had the crowd both swaying and rocking out to Betz’s croon. Overall a good set from an up and coming local band.

Article by: Steven Klett

Photos by: Nicholas Fallon

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach

Nude Beach



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