“Breathless” by Senator, starts with a cautious beat, not unlike the way you’d step down a dark staircase – with vigilance and uncertainty at what might be at the bottom. When we reach the last step, the lyrics, sung at almost a whisper, come at us like the perceived nightmare we envisioned moments before. The tune then opens up fully with quirky percussion, pleasing keyboards and a voice that we listen to carefully. Midway through the track, “Breathless” explodes into a guitar-laden frenzy of emotions and then soon settles back into the dubious beat for the remainder.

The haunting tune was inspired by a conversation Howard Baker (AKA Senator) had with two women about sexual assault. While one woman chose to press charges and face her attacker, the other chose to leave her assault and the memories in the past. Senator remarked that, “Those two conversations had a big effect on me and that’s where ‘Breathless’ came from. The first verse is about the attack, and the second verse is about after the attack and having to face your rapist. Two equally traumatic events.”


“This song tells a story about a girl. It could be any girl, someone you know and love, or even yourself. It’s an all too common story that needs to be told, discussed, and prevented.” – Senator


“Breathless” is the first single off Senator’s upcoming EP Tiny Monsters, which drops in March. You can pre-order Tiny Monsters starting tomorrow (1-13-17) here and receive “Breathless” now.


Article: Shayne Hanley




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